
Do you have any questions? We look forward to your message.

How to find us

Travel by car:

 Coming from Frankfurt or Würzburg direction (A3):

  • take exit “Stockstadt” on B469, direction Obernburg
  • take exit “Obernburg Mitte” and follow the signs “ICO” to gate 4, where you may report to plant security

Information for freight forwarders and courier services:

Please deliver all material to the following address:
63906 Erlenbach, Glanzstoffstraße 1

Please note:

If you utilise a navigation system, use the following coordinates:
49° 49,5′ North, 9° 8,9′ East

or use one of the following destination addresses:

  • Industrie Center Obernburg
  • Elsenfeld, Glanzstoffstraße
  • Erlenbach / Main, Glanzstoffstraße
  • Erlenbach / Main, Mainhausener Straße
  • Erlenbach / Main, Südstraße

Then follow the signs “ICO” to gate 4.

Travel by train:

From Aschaffenburg station (stopping point for IC and ICE trains) take the regional train with destination Miltenberg and exit at the station “Glanzstoffwerke” located right at the ICO. Then follow the signs to gate 4 and report to plant security.